Donate Life Ohio

Host "Donate Life Ohio" presentations at your school.

Education is imperative for individuals to make informed choices about healthcare, and life in general.

We have found that students are very interested in organ and tissue donation and often have a lot of questions inspired by fictional media.

The Second Chance Trust Fund offers two comprehensive educational programs to inform high school students: Classroom presentations by Donate Life staff and The Second Chance Trust Fund.

These programs address the shortage of organs and tissues available for transplant, which is a national health crisis.

Our school programs give foundational knowledge about organ and tissue donation, enabling students to make an educated decision about becoming a donor.

We hope you will join us. 

To Complete the Activity:.

  1. The Second Chance Trust Fund manages and other statewide programs on behalf of the Donate Life Ohio coalition.
  2. Second Chance Trust Fund/Donate Life Ohio
  3. Ohio Department of Health 246 N. High Street Columbus, Ohio 43215
  4. Email:
  5. Telephone numbers: 888-745-1511 and 614-644-8492 Fax: 614-564-2409
Submission Instructions: 

To Get Your Points:

  1. Complete the activity as described above.
  2. Take photos/video of students participating in the activity.
  3. Click "Submit Points."
  4. Fill out the online submission COMPLETELY
  5. Enter the name and email of the submitter  
  6. Upload your photos/video and a brief description of the activity (including the date of completion and any people pictured in the photo).
  7. Multiple individual classroom presentations or school assemblies will only be approved as one submission
  8. Schools must take new photos with and submit these pictures to earn points again for the current year. 
  9. Points for all award levels will be counted instantaneously, but the Silver Award will not be granted until a participating school has earned the Bronze Award!

Share photos and video to school social media sites  

            Facebook     #ReduceTeenCrashesDelCoOH

            Twitter         @ReduceOHCrashes 

            Instagram    @reduceteencrashesdelcooh

Questions? Contact Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator or 740-203-2083