Join Prevetion Action Alliance's Member Center to gain access and kick off a "Parents Who Host, Lose the Most" campaign in your high school community.
"Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t Be a Party to Teenage Drinking" educates parents about the health and safety risks of providing alcohol to teenagers and increases awareness of and compliance with underage drinking laws.
"Parents Who Host, Lose the Most" is universal, easy to implement, user-friendly, and targets celebratory times for youth, such as homecoming, holidays, prom, and graduation.
It includes a host of educational materials, community engagement strategies, and planning tools that can help parents and community members mobilize, partner, and share the message that teenage alcohol consumption is unacceptable and serving to minors has serious consequences.
This program is a beneficial tool for communities looking to address environmental factors related to underage drinking.
The four strategies that the Parents Who Host campaign covers are:
- Community Norms
- Access and Availability
- Media Messaging
- Policy and Enforcement.
- Have photos ready with students completing the activity.
- Include any additional supporting documentation.
- Click “Submit Points" and follow the instructions.
Share photos and video to school social media sites
Facebook #ReduceTeenCrashesDelCoOH
Twitter @ReduceOHCrashes
Instagram @reduceteencrashesdelcooh
Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator
Office: 740-203-2083